Process of a renovation

This time, we dedicate an entire feature to a single project, illustrating the process of a renovation from the moment the client first sits down with us in the office.
There are fundamental phases—consistent across projects—that we’ve navigated countless times, and these might be intriguing to those who, unlike us, do not deal with them daily.

Full article in the paper magazine.


Technical and economic assessment of the property

When a client presents us with a property to renovate, the most creative and practical phase of our work begins.

Design and planning from vision to project: the journey to your new home

This is the most exciting phase of our work: when dreams begin to take shape, and ideas transform into concrete projects.

Site opening and construction open site: when the project comes to life

This is the moment everyone has been waiting for—when the designs leave the paper
and start taking shape in reality.

The Book was born in the summer of 2019 to systematize the way of designing that has already been used for some years by Apiùstudio, a method that allows even those who are not technicians to read the projects and the design. The Book is a real architecture magazine with editorials, interviews with clients, the “back cover” and the thoughts of architects Daniele Bianchi and Roberta Franchini on the various projects described. A magazine to browse through, which you can request by contacting Apiùstudio.

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